Tanner Skin

How To Tan Your Back While Pregnant

How To Tan Your Back While Pregnant (3 Ways)

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Tanning during pregnancy can be a concern for many expectant mothers, particularly when trying to reach those hard-to-reach areas like the back. I mean, what good does it do when you are only able to tan just your other body parts and not your back because of pregnancy? 

Imagine preparing for an event like a wedding where you will be adorned in an elegant strapless dress. Every inch of you glowing with radiance, except for that shy, hidden expanse known as your back. Ah, I can see you imagining the enigma of tanning your back while continuing to embrace the beautiful journey of pregnancy! It’s like having the perfect summer cocktail but missing that one tantalizing ingredient.

As we all know that tanning your back during pregnancy can help you achieve a sun-kissed glow, boosting your confidence and enhancing your natural beauty. However, it’s essential to prioritize your safety and your baby’s well-being while following a proper tanning routine to drastically minimize potential complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects.

So, how can you conveniently unlock the secret to tanning your back while embracing the wonder of motherhood?

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the safe methods and processes of tanning your back safely during pregnancy, ensuring a beautiful and radiant complexion without any potential risks.

But before we proceed, let’s answer the most burning question pregnant women have.

Can You Lay On Your Stomach To Tan While Pregnant?

No, you should not lay on your bare stomach to tan while pregnant, especially as your pregnancy progresses. Lying on your stomach without support can put pressure on your growing belly and potentially cause discomfort. Additionally, it can restrict blood flow and affect the circulation to you and your baby.

However, it is perfectly safe to lay on your stomach while tanning if you are using the Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow & Bed, as it can provide the needed support and alleviate some of the pressure on your abdomen, allowing you to lay on your stomach more comfortably.

The Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow & Bed is designed to provide targeted support to your belly and relieve strain on your back and hips. It can help create a more comfortable position for lying on your stomach during activities such as tanning. However, it is still important to exercise caution and listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort or if it feels uncomfortable to lay on your stomach, it is best to adjust your position or choose alternative tanning methods that do not require laying on your stomach.

3 Ways To Tan Your Back While Pregnant

  1. Sunbath With A Pregnancy Bed.
  2. Use A Back Self Tan Applicator and A Mirror.
  3. Stand Up Spray Tan Booth.

How To Use A Pregnancy Bed To Tan Your Back While Pregnant

Tan Your Back While Pregnant

While it is generally recommended to avoid sun tanning during pregnancy due to the potential risks associated with increased body temperature and exposure to UV rays if a pregnant woman wishes to use a pregnancy bed to support her stomach while tanning, here are some steps to follow:

Total Time: 15 minutes

Choose a suitable pregnancy bed

Choose a suitable pregnancy bed

There are various types of this bed available, so, select a pregnancy bed that is specifically designed to support the baby bump and accommodate the changing shape of a pregnant woman’s body like the Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow which has a leg decline section that helps decompress the lower back. 

Find a safe tanning location

Find a safe tanning location

Ensure that the tanning location is safe and well-ventilated. Excessive heat, direct sunlight, or tanning beds can raise body temperature, which may pose risks during pregnancy. Consult with a healthcare provider before proceeding.

Set up the pregnancy bed

Set up the pregnancy bed

Place the pregnancy bed on a comfortable surface, such as a couch or a bed, ensuring it is stable and secure. Position it in a way that supports the pregnant woman’s baby bump while allowing her to lie comfortably on her stomach.

Prepare the tanning area

Prepare the tanning area

Place a towel or a sheet over the pregnancy bed to keep it clean and protected. It’s essential to maintain hygiene and prevent any potential irritation or skin reactions during tanning.

Apply Sunscreen

Apply Sunscreen

Before exposing any part of the body to sunlight, including the back, it’s crucial to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher. Choose a pregnancy-safe sunscreen that does not contain harmful chemicals or additives like the Neutrogena Beach Defense Water-Resistant Body Sunscreen Lotion with Broad Spectrum SPF 70.

Positioning for belly support

Positioning for belly support

Carefully lie on your stomach, with your baby bump going into the bed’s belly rim support, with the face against the pregnancy bed. Adjust your position to find a comfortable angle that supports the stomach while maintaining a safe and relaxed posture.

Avoid overheating

Avoid overheating

Keep a close eye on body temperature during tanning to prevent overheating. Take breaks regularly, ensure proper ventilation, and maintain hydration by drinking plenty of water.

Limit exposure time

Limit exposure time

Prolonged exposure to sunlight or UV rays can increase the risk of sunburn and skin damage, especially during pregnancy when the skin is more sensitive. Keep the tanning sessions short and avoid peak sunlight hours when the UV index is high.

Stay aware of discomfort or changes

Stay aware of discomfort or changes

While tanning, be attentive to any discomfort, skin reactions, or changes in body temperature. If there are any concerns or unusual symptoms, immediately stop tanning and consult a healthcare professional.

It is crucial to note that the risks associated with sunbathing during pregnancy outweigh the potential benefits. Pregnant women should prioritize their health and consult their healthcare provider before considering any tanning activities.

How To Use A Back Self Tan Applicator and A Mirror To Tan Your Back Yourself During Pregnancy.

Using a back self-tan applicator and a mirror is a safe and helpful technique for a pregnant woman to achieve an even and natural-looking tan on her back herself without the help of anyone. Here are the steps to follow, along with explanations for each step:

  1. Prepare the area: Start by ensuring that the room is well-ventilated and free from any obstacles that may hinder your movement. You’ll need a large mirror that allows you to see your back clearly.
  2. Exfoliate and moisturize: Before applying self-tanner, exfoliate your skin gently to remove dead skin cells. This step helps ensure a smooth and even application. After exfoliating, apply a light moisturizer to any dry areas on your back. Moisturizing helps prevent the self-tanner from clinging to these areas and creating uneven patches.
  3. Assemble the back self-tan applicator: Many back self-tan applicators are designed with an elongated sturdy handle and a sponge or mitt attachment at the end while some back tan applicators are in a band-aid or rope-like design. Follow the instructions provided with your applicator to assemble it properly. Ensure that the attachment is securely in place.
  4. Apply self-tanner to the applicator: Squeeze an adequate amount of self-tanner onto the sponge or mitt attachment. Be mindful not to apply too much, as this can result in streaks or an unnatural appearance. Start with a small amount and add more as needed.
  5. Position the mirror: Place the large mirror in a position where you can see your entire back. It may be helpful to prop the mirror against a wall or secure it to a sturdy surface using screws or another method. Make sure the mirror is angled to provide a clear view of your back.
  6. Begin the application: Hold the back self-tan applicator by the handle and reach over your shoulder, positioning the sponge or mitt against your back. Use the mirror to guide your movements and ensure even coverage. Start at the top of your back and work your way down, applying the self-tanner in smooth, sweeping motions. Take your time and be thorough to avoid missing any spots.
  7. Blend the edges: To create a natural-looking tan, blend the self-tanner along the edges where it meets your skin. This step helps prevent any visible lines or demarcation. Use gentle, circular motions to blend the self-tanner into your skin, particularly along the neckline, shoulders, and sides of your back.
  8. Check for any missed spots: After completing the application, use the mirror to carefully inspect your back for any missed areas or uneven patches. If necessary, reapply a small amount of self-tanner to the applicator and touch up any areas that require additional coverage.
  9. Allow the self-tanner to dry: Once you have achieved the desired coverage, allow the self-tanner to dry completely before getting dressed or coming into contact with any surfaces. Follow the instructions provided with your self-tanner for the recommended drying time.
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By following these steps and taking your time, you can effectively use a back self-tan applicator and a mirror to tan your back while pregnant. Remember to choose a self-tanner that is safe for use during pregnancy and consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

Back Tan Applicator With Band-Aid Design

Back Tan Applicator With Band-Aid Design

This type of back tan applicator is designed like a band-aid, only that it’s made with a soft and velvety material that is longer and with two hand handles at each end for you to hold when applying your back tan.

Back Tan Applicator With Sturdy Hand

Back Tan Applicator With Sturdy Hand

This type of back tan applicator is designed with long handles and a soft and flexible applicator pad or mitt attached to one end. 

How To Use A Stand Up Spray Tan Booth To Tan Your Back While Pregnant

Using a stand up spray tan booth while pregnant requires certain precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of both the woman and her unborn child. While it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in any tanning activities during pregnancy, here is a general step-by-step guide for a pregnant woman to use a stand-up spray tan booth to tan her back:

  1. Research and select a reputable salon or tanning facility: Look for a salon that has experience with pregnant clients and maintains high hygiene standards. It’s crucial to choose a facility that uses safe, pregnancy-friendly tanning solutions.
  2. Consult with your healthcare provider: Before proceeding with any tanning activity during pregnancy, it’s important to discuss your plans with your healthcare provider. They can offer specific advice based on your individual health and any potential risks associated with spray tanning.
  3. Choose a suitable tanning solution: Pregnant women should opt for tanning solutions that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin or designed for use during pregnancy. These solutions are typically free of harsh chemicals and allergens that could potentially harm the baby.
  4. Prepare your skin: Before entering the stand-up spray tan booth, ensure your skin is clean and exfoliated. Gently exfoliate your back using a gentle exfoliating scrub to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the tanning solution to sit on.
  5. Protect sensitive areas: It’s important to shield sensitive areas such as the nipples, belly button, and genital area to prevent direct contact with the tanning solution. You can use disposable adhesive nipple covers, cotton pads, or clothing to cover these areas during the spray tanning process.
  6. Follow salon instructions: When you arrive at the tanning salon, the staff will guide you through the process and provide specific instructions for using the stand-up spray tanning booth. Follow their guidance regarding positioning, spraying techniques, and timing.
  7. Positioning in the booth: Once inside the booth, position yourself in a way that allows for even coverage on your back. Stand in the designated area and ensure your back is facing the spray nozzles. You may need to hold onto the provided handles or bars for balance and stability.
  8. Spray tanning process: As the spray tanning session begins, the automated system will release a fine mist of the tanning solution. The spray will cover your back, providing an even and natural-looking tan. Follow the salon’s instructions on how long to remain in the booth and when to turn to ensure complete coverage.
  9. Drying and aftercare: After the tanning session, the booth may have a built-in drying feature to help speed up the drying process. Once you exit the booth, wait for a few minutes before getting dressed to allow the tanning solution to fully dry. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes to prevent smudging or rubbing off the tan.
  10. Maintenance and touch-ups: To maintain your tan, follow the salon’s recommendations for aftercare. They may suggest using pregnancy-safe moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and extend the life of the tan. Touch-up sessions may be necessary if you want to maintain the desired level of color.
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How To Use A Stand Up Spray Tan Booth To Tan Your Back While Pregnant

Remember, it’s essential to prioritize your health and safety during pregnancy. If you have any concerns or doubts about using a Stand Up Spray Tan Booth while pregnant, consult with your healthcare provider before proceeding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can UV Rays From The Sun Harm My Baby While Tanning?

Yes, UV rays from the sun can potentially harm your baby while tanning. Prolonged sun exposure and the resulting increase in body temperature can pose risks during pregnancy. It is important to remember that your baby is more susceptible to overheating and that excessive UV exposure can lead to sunburn and skin damage for you.

Are There Any Specific Self-Tanning Products Recommended For Pregnant Women?

While there are no specific self-tanning products exclusively recommended for pregnant women, it is generally advised to choose self-tanning products that are free of harsh chemicals, such as parabens and synthetic fragrances. If you can, always opt for products that are labeled as pregnancy-safe or hypoallergenic. Always check the ingredient list and consult with your healthcare provider before using any self-tanning product during pregnancy.

How Long Should I Spend Tanning My Back While Pregnant?

It is generally recommended to keep tanning sessions brief while pregnant especially when sunbathing. Aim for short periods of sun exposure, ideally 15 to 30 minutes at a time, to minimize the risk of overheating and UV damage. Remember to wear sunscreen, protective clothing, and seek shade after your desired exposure time.

Are There Any Specific Areas Of My Back I Should Avoid Tanning While Pregnant?

It is advisable to avoid tanning the lower part of your back, especially during the later stages of pregnancy. As your belly grows, the skin stretches and becomes more sensitive. Direct sun exposure to this area may increase the risk of pigmentation changes, sunburn, and potential discomfort. Focus on tanning the upper back area and take extra precautions to protect the lower back from excessive sun exposure.

What Precautions Should I Take While Sun Tanning My Back During Pregnancy?

If you decide to sun tan your back during pregnancy, then limit your sun exposure, wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat, use sunscreen, seek shade during peak sun hours, stay hydrated, and listen to your body. If you feel overheated or uncomfortable, it’s best to stop tanning and cool down.

Can I Use Sunscreen While Tanning My Back While Pregnant?

Yes, it is recommended to use sunscreen while tanning your back during pregnancy. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and apply it generously to all exposed skin, including your back. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours or more frequently if you are sweating or swimming.

Is It Safe To Use Self-Tanning Products On My Back While Pregnant?

Generally, self-tanning products are considered safe to use during pregnancy. However, it is important to check the ingredients list and consult with your healthcare provider to ensure the specific product is safe for you and your baby.

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